
Showing posts with the label boxing live

MMA or Boxing: Which Style is More Effective?

  Most people are confused about which style they should opt for, whether MMA or Boxing. We will guide you about all the differences between these two types of Combat sports. Moreover, enough information about the relevant sport along with their advantages and disadvantages. We will try to provide you with enough information to understand well and then choose your related style. We will provide you with an MMA Styles guide and Boxing Styles guide for comparison and the right pick to select any type for you easily. Read full Article

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Martial Arts

  Martial Arts is a great way to enhance your lifestyle in this contemporary world. The skills learned impact people, and experience goes way beyond the skills. Martial arts is an essential part of many people’s lives and improves focus and discipline. We will look into different reasons and explore that why martial arts are important. Martial Arts are very diversified and can be grouped, systemized, and analyzed in various ways.  Read full Article

Best Punching Bag for Stress Relief

  For many of us, stress is something we have to deal with on a daily basis. That may be because of submitting deliverable and meeting deadlines at work, or just due to the uncertainties that life throws at us. One thing is for sure, everyone needs a healthy outlet for stress relief. Read full Article

7 Best Boxing Gloves for Beginners Use in 2022

  In this contemporary world, here is a time for Combat sports. It is becoming the most thrilling and exciting game of all time. The foremost thing to learn for Combat sport is to throw a powerful punch. To make your punch top-notch, you need to practice. The overall amount of experience you would gain is not enough. Read full Article

5 Best Boxing Punching bag for Home Use with Chain in 2022

  A punching bag is a piece of boxing equipment designed to be repeatedly punched. Typically, they come in various sizes, shapes and materials depending on the filling. After the outbreak of the CoronaVirus pandemic, many people are training at home. Whatever Combat sport or Fitness Training you are into, you will use a punching bag. Read full Article

Best Boxing Headgear to protect the brain in 2022

  Headgear is an essential piece of safety gear for a fighter. However, many people have the misconception that headgear is lame for Combat sports. Best boxing headgear is paramount for many reasons, although you can not wear it in a match. A suitable headgear makes movements natural, reducing the force delivered to the brain significantly. Reduce the number of superficial cuts, indeed the best defense to head injuries. Read full Article

5 Best Boxing Gloves for kids of 2022 Beginner’s Guide

  In this contemporary world of gadgets, you are fortunate enough to be part of boxing at your young age. Boxing is one of the oldest sports and introduces your kid to the genuine soul of fair play. Typically it teaches discipline, willpower, and determination. It strengthened with style and became an excellent hobby. The most appealing thing about Combat sports is that it could become an excellent hobby for kids as it instills confidence and physical exercise simultaneously, along with the learning of self-defense. Read full Article

Best Boxing Gloves for Heavy Bag Work Professionals in 2022

  Boxing gloves’ fundamental and foremost purpose for heavy bags is to keep your fists and knuckles protected, especially during rigorous practices and daily boxing before any specific ring event. To stay in action, one must keep oneself away from injuries, so heavy bag gloves are for the everyday boxer. However, we suggest you do not shop before proper knowledge of heavy bag boxing gloves. Read full Article

Best Boxing Combos with Slips to Help You Win

  Seasoned fighters are familiar with the slip: in boxing, a slip is a defensive move that can take ages to perfect. The reason for this is timing. It involves ‘slipping’ out of the way when a punch is incoming. You need to make sure you’re throwing in that slip at the exact right time and place, that time being right before the punch and the place being close enough to land a counter punch.  Read full Article

Boxing vs Jiu Jitsu: Which Style is More Effective

  For decades, the efficacy of boxing vs. Jiu Jitsu has been a fiercely contested issue in the martial arts world. Each fighting style has its own faction that feels one style is better to the other in every aspect. It might be tough for beginners to decide which style to practice. Both are effective self-defense tools, but they each have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Read full Article

Where to Punch Someone to Cause the Most Pain

  Whether you’re a seasoned fighter or someone who’s barely ever thrown a punch at a bag, you might find yourself in a dangerous situation which requires you to act fast. Certain parts of the body can incapacitate an opponent when hit, giving you enough time to seek shelter or call for help. But these aren’t just any old moves, so only use them when the situation calls for it: they’re designed to hurt, and the damage they cause can be long term.   Read full Article

What Is the Best Boxing Style? The Complete Breakdown

  Styles, tactics, and techniques have evolved to various degrees from the inception of gloved boxing. There are four primary boxing styles that are often employed to classify fighters. The swarmer, out-boxer, slugger, and boxer-puncher, with three sub-styles: counter-puncher, southpaw (unorthodox stance, left-handed straight and right jab preference), and switch-hitter (technique to change from orthodox to southpaw stance mid-fight).  Read full Article

The Difference Between Amateur and Professional Boxing

  Amateur (Olympic) boxing is where many famous boxers got their start, including Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Evander Holyfield. They utilized their amateur boxing prowess as a springboard for professional boxing careers, and they went on to become worldwide household names who influenced the sport.  Read full Article

Choose the boxing style to match your body type

  Styles, tactics, and techniques have evolved to various degrees from the inception of gloved boxing. There are four primary boxing styles that are often employed to classify fighters. The swarmer, out-boxer, slugger, and boxer-puncher, with three sub-styles: counter-puncher, southpaw, and switch-hitter. Read full Article